Tuesday 6 March 2012

Ten on Tuesday: Biscuits & Bunting

1. This week I've been busy with a little project: starting something that will (hopefully!) connect and support mums at St James in the City. I've also had poorly boys, and the start of Westboy's speech therapy, so this might be more like 'Two on Tuesday' plus a bunch of fillers.

2. Photos from when the boys were ill, snuggled on the sofa. (Westboy is incredibly polite when he's not well. It's very sweet).

3. My ASDA substitutions this week have left me with 18 eggs and 18 pears. I'd just been thinking that it was a while since I'd made a pear & almond cake. Now we can have several.

4. Mother's day is approaching, and I've just remembered that I have an etsy shop full of jewellery. Who knows, It might be the answer to your "what should I get for mum?" questions.

5. Tesco value bourbon biscuits are dairy-free. This is a very dangerous discovery!!!

6. I have an over-affectionate iPhone. My predictive text changes "Hx" (how I usually sign off) for "Hxxx". As I press "send". Oh.Dear.

7. Westboy has started doing magic tricks for us. Unfortunately Westbaby (his assistant) usually reveals whatever's supposed to have vanished (i.e. is hidden under a blanket).

8. Bunting. I'm not sure I 'get' it (that's probably like saying i don't 'get' chocolate to some people I know!), however it seemed to be what this space needed...

9. Self-portraits by the boys. Westbaby on the left, Westboy on the right (just in case you  couldn't tell?!) 

10. The obligatory "ooh, spring is here, isn't it nice" photo. (I do love Sefton Park at this time of year).

Have a good week! Check what the other ten-on-tuesday-ers have written (Sarah, Jo, Lucy, Hannah & Britgirl), & maybe perhaps Lyn and Laura??? :-)

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